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Asian Conference on Food & Nutrition Safety

November 5-7, 2008
Shangri-La’s Mactan, Cebu, Philippines

The International Life Sciences Institute – SEA Region and the Food and Nutrition Research Institute will be conducting the 5th Asian Conference on Food and Nutrition Safety (ACFNS). Held once every four years, the ACFNS is recognized as a regional scientific forum to review, discuss and address the science that ensures the safety of food and water supply. This timely meeting will focus on the latest global issues and those pertinent to Asia, addressing emerging and re-emerging food and water safety concerns impacting the farm-to-table continuum.

The conference program aims to update participants on scientific advances and regulatory development that will further the understanding of science-based decision processes and harmonized approaches based on internationally recognized standards and methodologies. Renowned scientists from international agencies, governments, health and research institutions, as well as the industry will share their perspectives, discuss best practices and the harnessing of new technologies for sustainable actions to secure a safer and better food supply.

To provide emphasis on current trends in world agriculture and food technology, a pre-conference Symposium on Biotechnology & Nutritionally Enhanced Food and Crops will also be conducted on November 3-4, 2008 in the same venue. Renowned experts on biotechnology and biosafety will discuss timely issues such as risk assessment of new generation biotech crops.

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